The Center for Jury Studies has extensive experience evaluating demographic representation of the jury pool in state and federal courts and assisting courts to respond to challenges to the jury pool alleging violations of the Sixth Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Inferring Race and Ethnicity Demographics from U.S. Census Data: Testing the Feasibility for Use in State Court Disparity Analysis (October 2022)
Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan Jury System Assessment (Aug. 2, 2006)
Increasing the Jury Pool: the Impact of an Employer Tax Credit (2002)
Jury Managers’ Toolbox: A Primer on Fair Cross Section Jurisprudence
Safe Harbors from Fair Cross Section Challenges? The Practical Limitations of Measuring Representation in the Jury Pool
Systematic Negligence In Jury Operations: Why The Definition of Systematic Exclusion In Fair Cross Section Claims Must Be Expanded
Assessing and Achieving Jury Pool Representativeness, Judges Journal, Spring, 2016
Jury News
A New Take on How Jury Service Is Akin to Voting (2018)
The Exclusion of Convicted Felons from Jury Service: What Do We Know? (2016)
The Fair Cross Section Requirement in the Wake of Berghuis v. Smith (2010)
A Note from Tom Munsterman (2006)
No Se Habla Jury Duty? English Proficiency and Hispanic Representation Issues (2003)