Jury orientation provides an important first impression of the court for prospective jurors. Many courts now use orientation videos to welcome jurors to the courthouse and answer common questions in a systematic and consistent manner. Thoughtful, well-organized orientation videos prepare jurors for their arrival at the courthouse (pre-service videos) or help them better understand their duties once they arrive (in-service videos), making the experience of jury service more positive. This database includes 77 state and local juror orientation videos produced within the past 10 years from 33 states and the District of Columbia. Use the database filters to view pre-service or in-service videos; videos from different states; or to select videos with specific types of content (e.g., history of jury trials, descriptions of courtroom staff, explanations of voir dire, etc.). In creating the database, we developed some well-informed opinions about features that enhance or undermine orientation video effectiveness, which are posted here. If we’ve missed your video, or if you’ve recently updated your video, please let us know so we can include it in the database.
We the Jury - Introduction
- Pre-Service
- Closed Captioning
- History of Jury Service
- Iowa
Jury Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Compensation
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- West Virginia
Jury Service
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Idaho
Juror Orientation Video
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Nebraska
Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Illinois
Grand Jury
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New Jersey
Grand Jury Duty
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Explanation of Deliberations
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Ohio
Dallas Juror Video
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Parking Instructions
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Texas
You the Juror
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New Jersey
Justice For All
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Oregon
Protect and Uphold
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- New York
You, the Alaska Juror
- In-Service
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Alaska
Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Summons Instructions
- Michigan
Jury Service
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- South Dakota
Jury Orientation
- Pre-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Arkansas
The Florida Juror
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Florida
Jury Service
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Utah
Hennepin County
- Pre-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Compensation
- Parking Instructions
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Minnesota
Hamilton County Jury Duty
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Ohio
You the Juror
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- North Carolina
Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New Hampshire
Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Indiana
Jury Pool Orientation
- Pre-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Hawaii
We the People: A Call to Duty
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- District of Columbia
The Juror Experience
- Pre-Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Michigan
We the Jury
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Virginia
Jury Duty: The Honor of Serving
- Pre-Service
- Indiana
You, the Alaska Grand Juror
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Alaska
Columbia County Jury Duty
- Pre-Service
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Georgia
Juror Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Illinois
Buchanan County Jury Duty
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- History of Jury Service
- Parking Instructions
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Missouri
Jury Service: What to Expect
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Colorado
United States Court Shorts Jury Service
- Pre-Service
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- United States
A Fair Trial Starts With You
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Kentucky
Jefferson Parish - You the Juror
- Pre-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Compensation
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Parking Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Louisiana
Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New Mexico
Supreme Court Juror Orientation
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Virginia
Jury Service in Maine: What to Expect
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Maine
Jackson County Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Missouri
Respond to Your Jury Summons
- Pre-Service
- Dress Code
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Massachusetts
Justice for All Starts With You
- Pre-Service
- Summons Instructions
- Kentucky
Cobb County State Court Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Parking Instructions
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Georgia
United States Federal Grand Jury Service
- In-Service
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Parking Instructions
- Terms of Service
- United States
We the People: A Call to Duty
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- District of Columbia
Bucks County Juror Orientation
- In-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Pennsylvania
You as a Juror in Ohio's Judicial System
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Ohio
Chesterfield County Jury Service Orientation
- Pre-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Virginia
Georgia DeKalb County Juror Orientation Video
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Compensation
- Employer Responsibilities
- Summons Instructions
- Georgia
Indiana Jury Duty The Direct Power to Decide
- Pre-Service
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Indiana
Kentucky A Jury of Your Peers Starts With You
- Pre-Service
- Addressing Wait Time
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Kentucky
Pennsylvania Montgomery County Jury Service
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Parking Instructions
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Pennsylvania
Louisiana St Tammany Parish Welcome to Jury Duty
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Louisiana
Virginia Washington DC Juror Appreciation Week
- In-Service
- Description of Court Staff
- District of Columbia
Indiana Jury Duty The Most Important Role of All
- Pre-Service
- Indiana
Maryland Montgomery County Jury Duty Orientation
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Maryland
Indiana Jury Duty Hoosiers Right and Privilege
- Pre-Service
- History of Jury Service
- Indiana
Louisiana Welcome to Jury Duty Washington Parish
- In-Service
- Louisiana
Pennsylvania Jury Service A Step Toward Justice
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Juror Testimonials
- Pennsylvania
Maryland Queens Anne County You Got a Juror Summons
- Pre-Service
- Parking Instructions
- Summons Instructions
- Maryland
Georgia Gwinnett County Jury Duty Before you Arrive
- Pre-Service
- Employer Responsibilities
- Parking Instructions
- Summons Instructions
- Terms of Service
- Georgia
New York Your Turn Jury Service in New York State
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New York
Virginia Arlington Circuit Court Jury Orientation
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Virginia
Indiana Jury Duty An Essential Role in Government
- Pre-Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Indiana
United States Knowledge Seminar Jury Service Overview
- Pre-Service
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- United States
Florida Orange and Osceola Counties Jury Orientation
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Terms of Service
- Florida
Indiana Jury Duty The Most Patriotic Thing You Can Do
- Pre-Service
- History of Jury Service
- Indiana
Arizona Jury Service in Arizona - It Was Fair, Because You Were There.
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Compensation
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Juror Testimonials
- Arizona
Florida Pinellas County Introduction to Jury Service
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Trial Process
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Florida
Massachusetts Jury Service Your Right Your Responsibility
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- Description of Court Staff
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Deliberations
- Explanation of Juror Oaths
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Terms of Service
- Massachusetts
South Carolina Anderson County Jury Duty What to Expect
- Pre-Service
- Admonitions
- Description of Court Staff
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Summons Instructions
- South Carolina
United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals We the People
- In-Service
- History of Jury Service
- Juror Testimonials
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- United States
California San Bernardino County Welcome to Jury Duty Service
- Pre-Service
- Compensation
- Terms of Service
- California
Indiana Jury Duty A Safeguard of Our Most Elementary Liberties
- Pre-Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Indiana
New Mexico Dona Ana County Third District Court Jury Orientation
- Pre-Service
- Compensation
- Dress Code
- Employer Responsibilities
- Explanation of Voir Dire
- Summons Instructions
- New Mexico
Washington DC Juror Responsibilities Regarding the Internet and Social Media
- In-Service
- Admonitions
- Closed Captioning
- District of Columbia
Juror Compensation in Arizona
- In-Service
- Pre-Service
- Compensation
- Arizona
Juror Impartiality
- In-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Implicit Bias
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New Jersey
Jury Service and Implicit Bias
- Pre-Service
- Implicit Bias
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- New York
Federal District Court, Western District, Washington
- In-Service
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Unconscious Bias
- Washington
Connecticut Unconscious Bias
- Pre-Service
- Closed Captioning
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Unconscious Bias
- Connecticut
Oregon Implicit Bias Training
- Pre-Service
- Implicit Bias
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Unconscious Bias
- Oregon
A Message to Jurors: Unconscious Bias
- Pre-Service
- Implicit Bias
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Unconscious Bias
- Texas
Unconscious bias - does it impact your decisions?
- Pre-Service
- Implicit Bias
- Roles of Judge and Jury
- Unconscious Bias
- Washington